Baby Brother Defends Sister During Wrestling Competition And Barges In To Face Opponent Instead

If you have a sibling, you’ll probably agree that you’ve both loved them and strongly disliked them at many points in your life. They’re more than a friend—in fact, they’re more than a best friend—but they’re also someone that you have lived with for a good chunk of your life, and as anyone who has ever had a housemate or sibling can attest to, sometimes—cohabitating can be difficult.


But if we take away the things like stealing your sister’s make-up or favorite blouse, or eating the last slice of pizza when your sibling isn’t looking, then deep down you know that you’ve got a friend for life. Someone who, when times get tough, will be there for you no matter what. This reason is why the video below is just too adorable.


It surrounds two siblings, an older sister named Ruby and her younger two-year-old brother, and the pair is at Ruby’s school wrestling competition. Ruby is completely excited as it is her turn to step up the mat and compete. Little did her younger brother know, that this was merely play-fighting. The poor thing thought that his older sister was in some sort of danger and boldly took it upon himself to rescue her from her ‘attacker’, trying to get Ruby’s opponent onto the ground!


The entire audience couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, and surely you will too after seeing this darling video clip! Have a peek below and let us know your thoughts! Do you have a sibling that would be so bold?

If you’ve loved this hilariously adorable clip, be sure to like and share it with the best people in your life—especially if you have a brother or sister that always has your back!

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